AAPICAFI (Asociación de Apicultores y Caficultores) which stands for "Association of Beekeepers and Coffee Growers" have been founded on 19th of June 2013 having as its members - 24 coffee and honey producers - whom gathered together in order to look for newer markets for their products as well as for better administration of new developing projects within their areas. Their objective is to preserve the environment before, during and post harvest. The association aims to support its members and families via marketing of their product, as well as socially, culturally and economically enhance their lives. AAPICAFI is located in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. AAPICAFI has today 59 coffee and honey producers. 

Coffee cherries are carefully handpicked as they ripen. Once pulped, the coffee beans are moved to special tanks for fermentation. The coffee beans are then washed and sun dried, until the proper moisture content is reached. It takes about 100 pounds of coffee cherries to produce only 20 pounds of green Guatemalan coffee beans.

Coffee is a sustainable and environmentally friendly crop, especially when shade grown. Guatemalan coffee trees are mountain grown so they need protection from the torrential downpours, driving winds and the intense ultraviolet rays of the sun. The practice of using shade trees to protect coffee crops has its origins in Guatemala. The shade canopy is also a natural habitat for migratory birds which in turn helps control the insect and pest population thus reducing or eliminating the need for chemicals and pesticides. Shade grown coffee beans take longer to mature but the beans are usually denser and larger with a more complex aroma and flavour.

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