HONDURAS Bon Cafe Lavado

This coffee is a collaboration between a mix of producers ranging in age (including one woman), all committed to the organic cultivation of coffee with assistance from our partner in Honduras, Bon Café. 

Handpicked cherries are typically washed at ecological wet mills on-site (purchased with the help of Bon Café) to save water, as well as time on depulping and washing (which can be performed simultaneously, reducing water consumption by 80% in comparison to traditional wet mills and limiting harm to beans during the process). This also permits the recycling of pulp waste for conversion into organic fertilizer. Honey water is treated in oxidation ponds and weed control is managed by hand with machetes to avoid use of herbicides. 

All the producers for this lot have managed to extend their growing and processing capacities through organic practices, and several have been able to offer employment to their communities as they expand. 

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